Easy and Affordable Track Timing System Using Arduino [2022]

Tech Explorers
5 min readFeb 27, 2022


It is a simple and affordable system track timing system that allows athletes to time themselves or their

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What is Track Timing System?

Hello everyone!

In light of my forthcoming year at the track and preparation, I decided to create an electronic timing system that would measure my own time and others’ times when they run. The concept behind the track timing system is quite simple.

It has two components, one at the beginning on the way and the other near the end. With a delay set by the user, it plays the beginning tone, then begins an alarm clock.

If an athlete finishes their race when a light beam has crossed, the finishing module transmits an alert for the starting module, stopping the timer. The athlete’s time is displayed, functioning as an automatic stopwatch. It’s ideal for timing yourself or even for timing the entire team.

The System Itself

The start module acts as the central control element that controls the whole system. It features a small OLED screen with three buttons to create a simple menu system. The screen lets you choose which mode you wish to use and other options that can be useful. I’ll be covering these shortly. There’s a power button on the right and the battery cover and speaker grill at the lower part of the unit. On the opposite side, you’ll find the antenna, as well as a USB port that allows for simple software updates without having to take the whole device apart. The USB port allows users to connect the tracker to a computer and record times directly into the computer.

The end module is less complicated. It includes a power button located on the side, a USB port, an antenna in the back, and a battery cover on the lower. The top of the module has two LEDs: the red one signaling power and the blue one signaling it’s in good condition. If you turn your focus to the other end of the module, you’ll find a camera-like device. This isn’t an actual camera, but rather a LIDAR sensor for Light Detection and Range. As the name suggests, this sensor can detect the range of objects with the help of light. It’s the same technology certain self-driving vehicles utilize!

The LIDAR Sensor

This sensor is quite impressive because not only does it sense when someone is crossing it, but it also determines how far that person’s location is to the sensor. This is important as it lets the system distinguish between individuals in different lanes. For instance, if I were in the street one while my friend was in lane two, I wouldn’t want him to pass by sensors in lane two and then accidentally end the timing. The system will then record his time, not mine, which I do not wish to happen. Therefore when I tell the system that I’m in lane 1, the timer cannot ignore anyone more than half a meter away and will only stop if they exceed the limit.

This is how detection functions for me!

Timing Modes

Before I get into the components and the other “nerdy” stuff, I will go over the menus available for the program. Let’s look back at the start screen. On the home screen, you will see four choices: sprint, lap counter, settings, and sprint. Sprint is used for timing one person at a time since it ceases the timer when the light beam crosses. Lap mode is the same; however, instead of stopping once the beam is crossed, it will stop at the 4th cross, providing the average of all your laps, individual lap times, and total time. Counter mode is designed to be used for groups of runners. It displays the current time and the time of the previous person to cross the finished module. The lane is being tracked, and the number of runners has made it to the finish line.

There are two options for lap and sprint modes to choose from before entering the mode you want to use. The second is the automatic mode, which plays an ear-ready tone, followed by the set tone, and then a start tone. The techniques are randomized in delay, making them ideal for starting practice. Another option is manual mode, where you can play styles after the button OK is hit. Counter mode is the only manual mode intended for a teacher or another user to operate and hold.

Returning into the menu system. The last option is set. Three settings are available can be customized. The first is distance. This lets you choose the direction you would like to be in. The other option allows you to turn off or enable the sound system on the beginning module. This can be useful for coaches who prefer to start their calls or athletes who have a quieter environment. The third option will calibrate the sensor to the natural light and not ignore any background objects present before the calibration process begins.


The components for this project are roughly ninety dollars, with half of it related to the LIDAR module, which is 40 dollars. The ninety-dollar price is a lot less than other models for an instrument like this. Here’s the list of parts.

I employed an Arduino Nano and the Arduino UNO; however, two Arduino NANOs should work perfectly. To play the beginning tone, I used a 4-ohm three-watt speaker and an LM386 amplifier to boost how loud the tone was. As for the monitor, I went with a 1.3 inches OLED display.

I utilized two nRF24L01 units equipped with an antenna to transmit and receive data because they are extremely wide and have extremely low latency. I used the TFmini LIDAR sensor I purchased from Amazon to determine when someone had crossed the threshold. I chose this particular sensor because of its 12-meter range, which is the same as being able to be used to cover the entire track. It’s also highly reliable, and I’ve yet to experience any issues. All of it operates on 2 9-volt batteries, one for each module. In addition to the usual buttons, toggle switches, LEDs, as well as 3D printed components, that’s all there is!

Components Required For Track Timing System:

These are the components required for the Track timing system.

Arduino Code:
code is given in article

Fatima khan

A brand new writer in the fields, Fatima has been taken under my electric spark’s RGB- rich and ensures she doesn’t engage in excessive snark on the website. It’s unclear what command and Conquer are; however, she can talk for hours about the odd rhythm games, hardware, product reviews, and MMOs that were popular in the 2000s. Fatima has been creating various announcements, previews, and other content while here, but particularly enjoys writing regarding Products’ latest news in the market she’s currently addicted to. She is likely talking to an additional blogger with her current obsession right now.



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