iPhone 14’s Satellite SOS Feature Rescues Stranded Students, Preventing Freezing Deaths in Remote Utah Canyon

Tech Explorers
4 min readJun 5, 2024


In April 2023, amidst the rugged terrain of Utah’s San Rafael Swell Recreation area, three Brigham Young University students embarked on what they hoped would be an exhilarating canyoneering adventure. Little did they know, their excursion would soon take a perilous turn, leaving them stranded in a precarious situation.

As they traversed the narrow passages and deep waterways of the canyon, the students found themselves unexpectedly trapped in a particularly treacherous section. Hours passed as they struggled to find a way out, but the unforgiving landscape and chilling waters began to take their toll. Jeremy Mumford, one of the students, later recounted the harrowing ordeal, describing how they had meticulously prepared for the technical challenges of the canyon but were unprepared for the drastic changes brought about by Utah’s unusually wet winter.

As the hours stretched on and exhaustion set in, Mumford and his companions realized they were facing a life-threatening situation. With the water level rising and the onset of hypothermia imminent, they knew they needed to act fast.

In a stroke of luck, Stephen Watts, one of the trio, had recently upgraded to the iPhone 14, which boasted a revolutionary feature: Emergency SOS via Satellite. Recognizing the gravity of their situation, Watts activated the feature, hoping it would provide a lifeline in their dire circumstances.

The Emergency SOS via Satellite feature, introduced with the iPhone 14, utilizes advanced technology to connect users with emergency services even in remote or low-connectivity areas. By aligning their location with a satellite, Watts was able to send periodic texts to 911 in Emery County, providing crucial information about their predicament and precise coordinates.

As the students awaited rescue, the relentless cold continued to gnaw at them, threatening to overwhelm their dwindling strength. Mumford, struggling to maintain composure, vividly recalls the moment when hypothermia began to set in, causing panic and despair to grip their group.

In Emery County, emergency responders received the distress signals from Watts’ iPhone 14 and immediately mobilized a rescue operation. Despite the remote and challenging terrain, search and rescue teams sprang into action, determined to reach the stranded students before it was too late.

Meanwhile, back in the canyon, the students clung to hope as they awaited the arrival of their rescuers. With each passing moment, the bitter cold and isolation seemed to weigh heavier upon them, testing their resolve and fortitude.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the sound of approaching voices broke through the eerie silence of the canyon. Relief flooded over the students as they spotted the rescue team making their way toward them, their bright uniforms standing out against the rugged landscape.

With expert precision and skill, the rescue team worked quickly to extract the students from their perilous predicament. Despite the challenges posed by the remote location and harsh conditions, the combination of advanced technology and dedicated responders ensured a successful outcome.

As they were airlifted to safety, the students reflected on their harrowing ordeal and the pivotal role that the iPhone 14’s Satellite SOS feature had played in their rescue. What had started as a routine adventure had quickly turned into a fight for survival, underscoring the importance of preparedness and access to life-saving technology in the wilderness.

In the aftermath of their rescue, Mumford and his companions expressed their gratitude for the swift response of emergency services and the innovative capabilities of the iPhone 14. Their brush with disaster had served as a stark reminder of the unpredictable and unforgiving nature of the wilderness, but it had also reaffirmed their faith in the power of technology to save lives.

As news of their dramatic rescue spread, it sparked widespread interest in the iPhone 14’s Satellite SOS feature and its potential to provide a lifeline in remote and emergencies. With each passing day, more users became aware of the life-saving capabilities of their devices, ensuring that Mumford and his companions’ stories would serve as a powerful testament to the importance of preparedness and access to technology in the wilderness.

In conclusion, the remarkable rescue of three students from a Utah canyon serves as a powerful reminder of the life-saving potential of technology, particularly in remote and emergencies. By harnessing the innovative capabilities of the iPhone 14’s Satellite SOS feature, the students were able to summon help and secure their survival in the face of adversity. As technology continues to advance, stories like theirs serve as a testament to the transformative impact it can have on our lives, particularly when it comes to matters of life and death in the great outdoors.



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